Craig Ross
About the work
Craig is on our Level 3 VFX & animation course and has been working on this project over the past year to produce pieces of work that are up to an industry standard and will give them a head start within their chosen sector.
Confetti prides itself on giving students an opportunity to work with industry professionals and tutors that have real life experience within their industries, the above work hopefully gives an insight into student life at Confetti.
Student Bio
My name is Craig, currently, a student at Confetti embarking upon a Level 3 VFX and Animation.
Mostly I am looking to be a creator, more into producing myself. To explore the ideas, I have and see what can be done, knowing the only limits I face are those imposed on myself. Though I know restrictions come into play during production.
Overall, I value myself as a creative, I have over 15 years of writing experience, I simply want to learn to express that into a medium where more can access it easier. I accept I have so much to learn and I enjoy that process, no matter I can never be perfect no one can. But I can chase that as much as anyone.
As for skills, I am a writer foremost, an ideas person. I have limited experience with drawing and animation which I want to continue to expand upon. Mostly in Photoshop and Illustrator. Both Adobe programs. I have limited knowledge of editing too, yet I admit its not something I enjoy, but I respect the value it has in the industry. As its important to understand all the tools of the trade.
Currently, I am breaking into some light commissions as I want a taste of freelance work, to talk to people and learn the inner workings to be tough but fair. It’s a fine art to not overwork yourself yet get the most for your time something I am not proud that I have failed with. For now, I will be doing my own projects to build up what I have to showcase. And as I get more comfortable keep raising that bar.